You are here: 6. Manufacturing (Roll Forming) System > 6.2. Setting Up and Configuring MRF > 6.2.1. Setting up your Inventory Master File

Setting up your Inventory Master File

The Inventory master file within MDS (which is duplicated in MRF) contains all of your stock information – whether coil stock, normal resale type stock lines or manufactured items.



You should check the quantity on hand and average cost of any existing MRF items regularly. A negative figure for either is unacceptable. When stock on hand is negative, average cost will be calculated as zero. In this case, you need to adjust the stock on hand quantity to make it positive again.

When you are setting up your items for MRF, you need to create the following item types:


  1. Store items:

These are standard buy-it, store-it, sell-it items such as screws, silicone, skylights, fasteners, insulation, etc.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Units of Measure

Can have a unit defined in the unit recognition table

"File - Inventory - Item"

"Edit Company - Edit - Unit Recognition (v2.7)" or "File - Unit File Update (v2.8)" (2.8 feature)




Must not be assigned to a Manufacturing category

Must be in a Diminishing category

"File - Inventory - Item"


  1. Manufactured items:

Manufactured items are items made from other raw material items such as coil stock, e.g. rolled stock or flashing. They may be made to order or for stock. At production time, you can substitute the default coil stock with either offcuts, other coil stock or from a previously manufactured finished item.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Units of Measure

Units must be LM (Lineal Metres)

"File - Inventory - Item"




Must be in a Roll Stock category



(Item Update screen - Purchasing tab) Warehouse Details


Select or add the warehouse

"File - Inventory - Purchasing"



Made at this Location

Select Yes or No





Optionally, you can set the Stocked or Not Stocked flag if you want stocktakes to only show items dependent on location



Item Update screen - Extra tab

Made from Item

Must enter or select an item

"File - Inventory - Extra"




Must have default width in mm




Conversion Factor

Optionally, enter a conversion factor if you need to convert sales to square metres



  1. Coil items:

Coil stock items are raw coil stock from which manufactured items are made. They are setup the same as normal stock items with the exception of the purchasing details. You need to ensure that purchasing conversion information is setup correctly so that coils can be ordered in tonnes but received as the anticipated lineal metres, and that FIFO/serial number tracking is turned on.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Units of Measure

Units must be LM (Lineal Metres)

"File - Inventory - Item"




Must be in a Diminishing category



Item Update screen - Purchasing tab

Fifo per Item

Set to Fifo with Serial Numbers so that the individual coils can be can be tracked from receipt right through to production

"File - Inventory - Purchasing"



Purchase Units

Set to tonnes per metre (used to convert tonnes to lineal metres on receipt of the coil from your supplier)




Apply To Cost

Set to No





Set to Qty and Invert Cost. If a different option is selected, the last landed and average costs will calculate incorrectly.





Set to No



Item Update screen - Extra tab


Must enter width

"File - Inventory - Extra"


  1. Waste items:

Micronet can accumulate waste during the job completion process for coil stock that is going to be thrown away or sent to the recycler. You can have more than one waste item setup. A waste item can be setup with a part number starting with WASTEXXX where XXXX can be any trailing characters you want to add.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Item Number

Micronet looks for WASTEXXXX as the default item when processing

"File - Inventory - Item"



Units of Measure

Can be M2





Must be in a Non Diminishing category



Item Update screen - Purchasing tab

Fifo per Item

Should be No

"File - Inventory - Purchasing"


Item Update screen - Extra tab


Not required



  1. Offcut items:

Micronet can accumulate offcuts (in square metres only) during the job completion process for coil stock that is going to be retained and used in future jobs. Offcuts usually refers to flashing offcuts. You can have more than one offcut item setup. An offcut item can be setup with a part number starting with SCRAPXXXX where XXXX can be any trailing characters you want to add.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Item Number

Micronet looks for SCRAPXXXX as the default item when processing

"File - Inventory - Item"



Units of Measure

Must be M2





Must be a Diminishing category



Item Update screen - Purchasing tab

Fifo per Item

Should be No

"File - Inventory - Purchasing"


Item Update screen - Extra tab


Not required



  1. Excess items:

These are normal stock lines that can be posted against where you have made more than the customer ordered, or where you have made extra for stock. For example, you might have made some fence panels or roofing stock rather than shut the machine down and change over with only a small amount of coil stock left on the reel.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Units of Measure

Can be LM or EA (Micronet adds to stock on hand with regard to how this is setup)

"File - Inventory - Item"


Item Update screen - Purchasing tab

Fifo per Item

Should be No

"File - Inventory - Purchasing"


  1. Seconds items:

These are second quality rolled products which go back into stock. Micronet treats them the same as excess items, except on the Yield Report where they are added to the on hand quantity of the nominated stock item.







Item Update screen - Item tab

Item Number

May be a good idea to setup item numbers to indicate second quality items

"File - Inventory - Item"


Item Update screen - Purchasing tab

Fifo per Item

Should be No

"File - Inventory - Purchasing"